Who/what’s missing from the Game of Thrones Season 6 trailer?

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The first trailer for Game of Thrones Season 6 came out yesterday, and we poured over every detail. Naturally, we’re eager to analyze the new footage it gives us. But let’s a moment and ask another question: what new footage doesn’t it give us? What characters and locations are absent from the trailer, and does their absence mean anything?

This post is full of SPOILERSProceed with caution.

Sam and Gilly

First off, the trailer gives us no new look at Sam Tarly and Gilly the wilding, both of whom were seen leaving Castle Black at the end of Season 5. The crop of still images from Season 6 shows them on a boat, presumably traveling to Oldtown in the Reach. I’m guessing that nothing particularly cinematic happens on their journey, hence their absence from the trailer.

If anything, the more glaring omission is that of Sam’s family. We know that Sam’s father, mother, brother, and sister will show up in Season 6, probably when Sam visits them at Horn Hill, the ancestral seat of House Tarly. Sam’s father, Randyll Tarly, is a military commander who exerts a good amount of influence on the story, at least in the books. You’d think the producers could have found a spot for him, but I suppose they had to make cuts somewhere.

Anyone from Dorne

I imagine there’s a contingent of fans who were okay with this omission. After promoting Dorne heavily ahead of Season 5, HBO has been very quiet about this particular region of Westeros going into Season 6. Whether in the trailer or in the still images, we’ve seen nothing of Ellaria Sand, Doran Martell, Areo Hotah, Trystane Martell, Tyene Sand, Obara Sand, and Nymeria Sand. In short, as far as the HBO promotional materials are concerned, Dorne won’t show up in Season 6 at all, with the exception of a scene at the Tower of Joy.

Now, we know that’s not true. The production filmed something in Dorne a while back, so these characters will show up, but odds are they won’t stick around for long.

Next: Roses, ravens, and more