The Game of Thrones Season 6 hype train is leaving the station! To that end, Entertainment Weekly is leading the charge with a brand new interview from showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss.
EW caught up with the producers, who had recently watched all 10 of the final cuts for this season’s episodes, and wanted to know which part of Season 6 was the most exciting for them? Benioff was unequivocal:
The whole season. Dan and I talk about this a lot. This is not us trying to hype it. Usually there’s an episode or two we’re kind of nervous about, that didn’t turn out as well as we hoped. This season there is not a weak episode. We had great directors who knew what they were doing, paired with excellent [directors of photography]. We thought at the script stage it might be our strongest season. Then the episodes came in better than we hoped.
One of my favorite fan-taken shots from filming in Spain for Season 6, Benioff at his video consoles taking a short break.
It’s interesting that they admit there are episodes they worry about. But the back half of the quote is also pretty interesting:
We’re always reluctant to say it’s ‘the best season yet’ because so much of that is in the eyes of the beholder. And Dan and I are so close to it that it’s impossible to be unbiased. But that’s my sense – watching them all together now, this is the best one we’ve done. It’s also the one I’m proudest of, because it was the hardest.
The hardest, huh? It’s difficult to know exactly what Benioff means without more details, but as someone who paid close attention to the six-month filming process, we know that Game of Thrones broke its own records this year when it comes to the length of time it took to film certain battle sequences. Then there were the locations. The bag and baggage move to Spain meant that the production was working in a variety of new locales—new places will stand in for King’s Landing, Braavos, and other areas on Essos.
And of course, there was the trouble of keeping that one big spoiler under wraps…but I’m sure we’ll all learn about that in time. Entertainment Weekly promises more from behind the scenes of filming Season 6 in an upcoming issue, out soon. All Aboard!