Inside GoT: Behind the Scenes of Season 6’s Prosthetics


Game of Thrones has released its second Behind the Scenes “Inside GoT” clip for the coming season. This one isn’t quite as precious as the first, since we have finally had a Season 6 trailer to whet our appetites and give us a clue of what might be coming next season. But we’re still combing it for clues of what might be ahead, especially since it begins with a character we’re very interested in. No, not Jon Snow. I speak of the Night’s King.

Any makeup and costume geek will love this behind-the-scenes look at how the characters—especially the White Walkers—are created. For those who watch shows on SyFy like Face Off, these processes will be familiar, but that doesn’t make the sculpting and molding phases any less interesting.

But let’s get into what interests the rest of us for this season: White Walkers!

The White Walkers were kept heavily under wraps during this off-season, much as they were last year, before Hardhome. More often our spoilers about them are more about where they won’t be. So…where are they?

From the shots we see in this special, the show must have filmed multiple scenes with the White Walkers. From what we know, they were mostly filmed on green screens set up in the quarry where the Massacre at Hardhome was shot, or in the forests not far from the Riverrun set. The shot above, of a White Walker struggling with what looks like tree roots, is one that very much piqued my interest. Is it from Season 6? Is this a trap set for the White Walkers by wildlings? Or are the trees…defending Westeros?

The show obviously doesn’t want to give too much away on this subject, and uses this special to talk about the making of the Massacre at Hardhome. (Which they really couldn’t last year, since they were trying to keep the White Walker aspect of the battle quiet.) I suppose we’ll have to wait and find out what it is they’re keeping under wraps.