For far too long now, those snobbish fans from that show about slow-moving corpses who barely do anything but moan and shuffle down the road have been rubbing our collective noses in the fact that we were left hanging at the end of Game of Thrones Season 5, when Jon Snow apparently died. I am of course talking about my close circle of friends who are exclusive The Walking Dead fans (I’m looking at you Curt and Paul), and who had been counting down the days until Negan appeared on AMC’s show, much like we countdown the days until the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere.
When it came to the battle of the shows, The Walking Dead fans felt superior to Game of Thrones fans because they were confident that their Lords and Masters, The Walking Dead comic creator Robert Kirkman and Walking Dead showrunner Scott M. Gimple, would never leave them in such a lurch when it came time to introduce the biggest, baddest baddie of them all: Negan, and his barbed wire-coated bat Lucille.
You see, in issue 100 of The Walking Dead comics, Negan makes an unforgettable entrance by turning a main character’s head into mashed potatoes, much to the horror of readers (at the time, there wasn’t a show). So when it came time to bring Negan to life on AMC’s flagship series, anticipation began to build for his introduction, and the moment when a main cast member would be beaten with a level of ferocity that can only be described as barbaric…yet Negan does it with a gleeful smile on his face. It is both horrific and beautiful in scope and magnitude.
And then came the Season 6 finale of The Walking Dead this past Sunday. Negan was introduced, he hefted his bat, took aim…and then the screen cut to black before we found out who he pulverized. It was a frustratingly huge cliffhanger, but the internet made it a bit more bearable. Check out how the Pixel Factor reworked the scene.
HBO sends shockwaves through dual fandoms as #GameOfThrones recasts Olly: #TheWalkingDead
— The Pixel Factor (@ThePixelFactor) April 7, 2016
To quote the big-bad himself, “It’s going to be pee pee pants city here real soon.” Although, I’d much rather it was Olly facing down Lucille.
And then there’s YouTuber BeBen, who recut Game of Thrones’ Red Wedding in the style of The Walking Dead finale. It’s a smart-assed homage, especially with Chris Hardwick—who hosts the Walking Dead aftershow Talking Dead—pops in with the double thumbs up.
And finally, The Walking Dead fans have taken it one step further over the cuckoo’s nest, as The New York Daily News is reporting that the disgruntled fans are banding together to sign a petition to have AMC show who Negan killed. That’s right, as if their signatures could force a major network to show the ending of a top-rated show’s cliffhanger.
"The petition has already collection 1,745 signatures and counting toward its goal of 2,500 since it was posted two days ago."
Can you imagine if we banded together to sign a petition to get George R.R. Martin to reveal who Jon Snow’s parents are? He would laugh in our faces. Or, how about we all sign petitions to make David Benioff and Dan Weiss tell us whether Jon Snow is returning to Game of Thrones? Might as well have Negan come on the show and bash Jon’s brains in for good measure.