With Game of Thrones Season 6 currently on the air, and HBO officially having renewed it for “2017,” that means it’s time for the production to start working on whatever will constitute a season for next year. Although HBO’s renewal notice did not call it such, we’ll refer to it as “Season 7” until told otherwise.
And it looks like the plan next year will be to film in Spain again. Last year, the show packed up and moved bag and baggage from Croatia, where much of the material in King’s Landing was filmed, to Spain. Although we don’t know the official reason for the move, one can bet that the ambassador to Spain being a former HBO executive probably helped.
One of the new Spanish locations, the city of Girona, stood in for several locations in Season 6, including King’s Landing, Braavos, and Oldtown.
And now, it looks like the plan is to return to the city that served the production so well this past year. According to El Punt Avui, Girona is in negotiations with HBO. Roughly translated from Spanish, the article states:
The Councillor for Culture, Carles Ribas says that they are in negotiations and have expressed their intentions to make it easy on the American producer HBO, if they opted to return to Girona. “We are talking and we said that we are willing, that we would collaborate, and things would be exquisite as they were last summer,” he said.
El Punt Avui notes that nothing is set in stone, so locals and Game of Thrones fans should not get their hopes up yet. But Spain seems to have worked out nicely for the production, and it would be a surprise to see the show once again pull up stakes and move back to Dubrovnik and Croatia after this year.