Warning: if you somehow managed to stay under a rock for the past twelve hours and don’t know what happened on Game of Thrones on Sunday, I would highly advise leaving the internet all together and burying yourself in a good book until you have watched it. Either way, you shouldn’t be here, of all places, since all we’re going to talk about for the next week is SPOILERS.
One more time, it worked out they worked it in
Game of Thrones has done it again!
Game of Thrones has somehow, against all odds, pulled off annother shock!moment. And moreover, it’s done it when the pertinent information was out there for all to see. Ned’s death, the Red Wedding, Jon’s stabbing: all were there on the page for anyone to read. As for Jon Snow’s resurrection…it may not have been out there on the page, but it was out there in photographic form, thanks to The Daily Mail. Personally, I’m amazed that, in the end, there was only one photo of Harington in character, considering the massive risks the show took filming Jon Snow’s major scenes on location outdoors in Saintfield, Northern Ireland. But the photogs only have to get lucky one time. The show had to get lucky every time.
And yet, the show stunned everyone last night with the reveal that Kit Harington has been lying to us the entire time, and he was coming back. Twitter and reddit melted. People were openly crying in the virtual streets. It was insanity.
Entertainment Weekly will have a deep dive cover story on the show’s extensive work on keeping this major spoiler under wraps on Friday. But while we’re all waiting for that, here’s his formal apology for the last ten months of lies.
As for what we can expect for the rest of the year? We are only teased with: “It’s a massive season for Jon. It’s his biggest season for him so far.”
Well if one comes back from the dead and then has a pretty meh season, that wouldn’t be much fun, would it?