This year, HBO is making a documentary series that goes deep behind the scenes of each episode of Game of Thrones Season 6 as they come out. The first episode of The Game Revealed covered “The Red Woman” and “Home,” the first two episodes of Season 6. Now that Episodes 3 and 4 have aired, the next installment has surfaced. Watch it below.
Daniel Sackheim, who hadn’t worked on the show before directing Episodes 3 and 4 of Season 6, gets a lot of face time here, which is nice, since HBO’s Inside the Episode featurettes, which air right after the show ends each Sunday, usually focus on the writers and actors. He seems like a good addition to the show’s directorial roster—he clearly put a lot of thought into how the Tower of Joy sequence would go down (we get confirmation that one of Arthur Dayne’s two swords was indeed Dawn), and I like how he looked to classical painting for inspiration for Jon Snow’s resurrection scene.
Also, it sounds like Sackheim came up with the play-by-play for how Dany’s burning of the khals would go down. I wonder exactly how much of that was in the script. In any case: good job, Dan Sackheim. That scene was nifty.
And although it should have been obvious, the notion of both Jon and Dany being “reborn” naked hadn’t occurred to me. Neat thematic link there—you gotta wonder if that link will be tempered later in the season.
I do wish these segments were a little longer so we could get insight into more scenes. What was it like editing Arya’s training montage? And what about an interview with Gemma Whelan (Yara)? Now that she’s back, I’d like to hear what she has to say. But we can’t have it all. We’ll bring you more on this series as the installments come out.