Welcome back to another fun and fantastic week of WiCnet’s Game of Thrones GIF recaps! The amazing folks at COUB have been having loads of fun making some quality GIFs. This week, we’re diving into Episode 604, “Book of the Stranger.” Let’s get on with it, shall we?
We start with a closeup of Jon’s Valyrian steel sword, Longclaw. Now, some think that Jon was leaving his sword behind for Dolorous Edd, but I find that ludicrous. Why would Jon leave Edd a sword that bears the sigil of his house and looks this super-dope?
Jon’s still telling jokes, right? Because why would anyone go south? Dorne is in the south. “On second thought,” said Jon, “let’s not go back to Dorne. ‘Tis a silly place.”
Edd and Jon had a bro-fight. I felt really uncomfortable during this scene, kind of like when mommy and daddy scream at each other at the dinner table.
When suddenly, a wild Sansa appeared, together with a wild Brienne and Pod!
And then a ship was born. #Brienmund
Then Jon laid eyes on his half-sister for the first time since Season 1. I’m totally not crying right now.
And the moment we were all waiting for: A Stark reunion. Seriously, there’s dust in the air…got in my eyes…not crying.
Jon and Sansa talked about stuff, she tried ale and coughed up a lung, and apologized for being a real snot when they were kids…then she went into QUEEN IN DA NORF mode and tried to convince Jon to retake Winterfell from the Boltons.
Meanwhile, out in the yard, Ser Davos finally asked Melisandre about Stannis and Shireen…when suddenly A WILD BRIENNE APPEARED! Man, she’s really getting good at that.
In the Vale, Sweetrobin Arryn still has the most punchable face in all of Westeros.
This next GIF is the perfect representation of Robert Arryn’s character throughout the entire Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire series. Oh, and every disappointed Dad ever.
Littlefinger finally showed up, and he brought presents!
Bronze Yohn Royce was having none of it, and accused Baelish of handing Sansa Stark over to the Boltons, but good old Bronze Yohn has zero political savvy, and Littlefinger outmaneuvered him on the spot.
But Littlefinger needs someone to lead the Knights of the Vale…I mean, he’s not going to do it himself. So he kept the old codger around.
Then he convinced Little Lord Weirdo to assemble the Knights of the Vale, because it was time to rescue Sansa Stark. Wait, did he just say, (*puts tinfoil hat on*) “The time has come to join the Freys” (*takes tinfoil hat off*)?
In Meereen, Tyrion invited the Masters over for wine tasting and witty political banter. Tyrion just wanted the men who control the Sons of the Harpy to give peace a chance, but the negotiations did not start off so well.
Pretty simple, right? Asked and answered. Tyrion had a compromise, though.
Unfortunately, it was a compromise that Missandei and Grey Worm did not particularly like, seeing as they’re former slaves and seven years is a long time.
Oh, and while we’re in Meereen, can we get Tyrion a Rosetta Stone for Valyrian?
Near Vaes Dothrak, Daario was expounding on the finer points of dragon riding with the honorable knight Ser Jorah Mormont.
The two pals devised a plan to sneak into the sacred Dothraki city, which included shedding their weapons, which are strictly forbidden there, but Daario was having a hard time saying goodbye to one of his girls.
Then Jorah revealed he was really the Thing from Fantastic Four. But not the Thing as played by Jamie Bell in the 2015 box-office flop Fantastic Four. More like Mickael Chiklis’ 2005 Thing.
In Vaes Dothrak, Jorah and Daario were found out. Oh no! A fight ensued, and Jorah almost got the life choked outta him, because his pocket sand trick was an epic fail…
…but Daario brought his girl with him and stabbed the Dothraki soldier.
And here’s the way you cover up a stab wound in Vaes Dothrak: with a good bludgeoning.
Dany made a new friend, and they bonded over they way old women smell.
In King’s Landing, the High Sparrow told another tale of morality, and blah blah blah.
Margaery was able to work the High Sparrow and get a visit with her brother Loras. Yeah, Loras isn’t doing so well.
Elsewhere, Cersei chased Grand Maester Pycelle away from her son. The lioness still has claws.
They see me rollin…
…they hatin.
Tommen told his mommy a secret.
Jamie and Cersei crashed the Small Council meeting again, and the Queen of Thorns was having none of it.
Cersei spilled some beans about Margaery and a supposed walk…but were they the right beans?
When “The Rains of Castamere” plays, you can bet no good will come of it.
On the Iron Islands, Theon arrived home. That was quick.
Yara wasn’t happy to see him. Let her explain why.
Then Theon revealed what his true purpose in life would be: Theon Greyjoy, Hand of the Queen (potentially).
At Winterfell, Ramsay mailed in Osha’s murder.
I mean, he’s not even really trying, here.
Further north, the Pink Letter arrived at Castle Black.
It was from Ramsay, so you knew it wasn’t going to be nice.
Queue Stark theme music.
Now for our grand finale: Dany hatched a plan to burn the khals in the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen.
I don’t care if she and her new friend presoaked the temple floors and walls with oil or if the temple itself is basically one giant tinderbox probably built from wood and woven grass. When the temple went up like a bottle rocket, it was glorious.
Khal Moro had one last look at the Mother of Dragons, before she proved to him why she has a million names and one of them is the Unburnt.
I mean, there’s no way anybody could survive that fire, right?
Say hello to your new khaleesi, everybody!
Everyone must bow, before the Goddess of Dragons! Including cynic Daario.
Even T-800 approves.
That’s it for this week, gang. Tune in next week, when we tackle Episode 605, “The Door.”