Knee-jerk reaction to “The Broken Man:” Best and Worst Moments

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Here are my highly subjective, personal thoughts and feelsing, delivered lightning-quick, after viewing “The Broken Man,” tonight’s new Game of Thrones episode. I’m an action guy at heart, and there wasn’t much (or any) real action in this episode, but “The Broken Man” may be as evenly-paced and perfect a television episode as I have ever seen. Gorgeously cinematic on the grand scale, razor-sharp in with underlying tension from beginning to end, and poignantly intimate in the softest moments, I’m at a loss on how to find much bad here.

I apologize for breaking format here, but I’m offering up nine Valyrian Steel (Best) Moments and one Flea Bottom Brown (Worst) moment. I’ll hang around the comments section for a while so please feel free to chime in and discuss.

Next: Best moments of the episode