Callbacks and Easter Eggs in “The Broken Man”


For the second week in a row, Game of Thrones took the time to do some set-up. It’s almost as if we’re being lulled into a false sense of safety before the eventual gut-wrenching reckoning that is sure to come. Regardless of what the future holds, “The Broken Man” had many fantastic callbacks to earlier episodes, as well as the kind of cleverly hidden Easter Eggs we’ve come to expect this season.

We start our search in Brother Ray’s compound, where “The Broken Man” began and ended. Redditor Megsterrz pointed out this beautiful piece of storytelling: the Hound both opened and ended the hour, and the show used his axe to bookend things.

"Love the contrast from beginning to end."

As we all saw in the trailer for “No One,” Sandor Clegane has plans for that axe, and I can’t wait to see those plans come to fruition.

Staying with the Hound’s storyline, at one point, Brother Ray (have I mentioned how much I hate that name?) tells the Hound that the Gods aren’t done with him yet, and the Hound replies: “I’ve heard that before.” This is the same thing Beric Dondarrion told him after he won the trial by combat back in Season 3, only he was talking about the Lord of Light, not the Seven.

Speaking of Dondarrion, there’s some irony in the air when it comes to him and his followers. In Season 1, Lord Eddard Stark, serving as Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon, sent Ser Beric Dondarrion with a group of men, including Thoros of Myr, to hunt down the false knight Gregor Clegane and bring him to justice for the crimes of raping, pillaging, and killing the people of the Riverlands. Beric’s group later became the Brotherhood without Banners.

Now, in Season 6, the Brotherhood without Banners are the ones doing the raping, killing, and pillaging, and it’s Gregor’s brother, Sandor Clegane, who will seek justice (or at least revenge) against these men who are committing crimes under the guise of false knights. Irony’s ironic like that.

We don’t know if Beric Dondarrion is still around, but we got a look at a few of the current Brotherhood members. Many fans are wondering if the guy abive, the one in the yellow cloak, is Lem Lemoncloak, a character from the books.

Fans took to Twitter to ask actor Jóhannes Haukur this question, and he was surprisingly open:

He’s also having a lot of fun with fans who ask about Lady Stoneheart, a character who’s closely tied to the Brotherhood in the novels but whom we have yet to see on the show.

In fact, Haukur may be having too much fun.

Be still my beating stoneheart.

In Essos, we saw someone else follow Tyrion’s lead and walk like a rich person. Redditor Rotzebaer pointed out that Arya’s gait looked a little similar:

"View post on"

In other Arya news, Redditor cyclopshoney drew a near parallel between her final scene and the final scene featuring the Hound.

"View post on"

Many fans have noticed that, as Arya walks through the streets of Braavos, she passes by someone who’s dressed in her old costume, the one she was wearing when watching the play earlier this season. Is this a coincidence, or is there more to it?

Hey, remember that old lady face the Waif used to sneak up on Arya before stabbing her? Yeah, we’ve seen that before in the Hall of Faces. (Thanks to mindofshake for pointing this out.)

"Arya saw the face the Waif would use back in S5E6"

Did Arya predict her own future back in Season 4?

"“I’m practicing”"

“No One” certainly is going to kill you, Arya.

When Lady Olenna unfolded the note Margaery passed her under the watchful eye of Septa Unella, Redditor missdemeanant was reminded of a moment in Season 3.

"How original, Margaery"

And greeny508 noticed how the tables have turned on Cersei from Season 5 to Season 6.

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In the Riverlands, it Jaime might see himself in Edmure Tully, as Reddit user lodott0 points out:

"Jaime on Edmure"

Finally, this isn’t a callback or Easter Egg, but by gods was “The Broken Man pretty.” Redditor mhoey8 strung together some of the episode’s more scenic bits.

"The cinematography this episode was beautiful"

Tune in next week, as we mine “No One” for all its worth.

In the meantime, let us know what callbacks and Easter eggs we missed!