Seriously, Sportsball? This is how you thank Game of Thrones for giving you and your fans your own specially made trailer on network TV for Season 6? By trying to step on its all-important Episode 9?
Those who don’t follow basketball, and are surprised to discover that for some reason it now seems to be playing June when you swore that stuff, and all of the little charts that go with it, was supposed to be confined to March, may be horrified to discover that the people who you usually spend time watching Game of Thrones with will be tweeting about something completely different this evening: Game 7 of the NBA Finals. I don’t quite understand it, either—clearly the choice between watching “Battle of the Bastards,” the biggest battle Game of Thrones has ever staged, and watching a bunch of people who, by accident of being tall, get to run around after a little pumpkin-colored ball for a living, is easy. (Also, why are they called Cavaliers if there are no horses involved? This is false advertising.)
Even though there are die-hard Game of Thrones fans among the ranks basketball players, a lot of people seem miffed that they have to choose one over the other tonight.
Game 7 of the NBA Finals up against a Game of Thrones Episode 9.
— Thomas Goldkamp (@ThomasGoldkamp) June 17, 2016
Oh god what do we do
If you're that person who is going to watch Game of Thrones during Warrriors-Thunder and tweet about it, you deserve to be on Arya's list.
— Sean Wagner-McGough (@seanjwagner) May 22, 2016
No, I do not think the internet is going to completely alter its schedule just because some people are choosing to watch basketball over Game of Thrones. At least some understand that the NBA could have done the right thing and rescheduled.
(Spoiler alert: they did not.)
But if you really choose to watch Game 7 over Game of Thrones, Twitter invented the “mute a hashtag” option for a reason.