Trailer for Game of Thrones Episode 610: “The Winds of Winter”

HBO has put out the trailer for next week’s episode of Game of Thrones. This is the season finale, you guys! Our last installment until 2017. It is entitled “The Winds of Winter.” Because of course it is.

If you haven’t seen “Battle of the Bastards” yet, or have but don’t want to know what’s coming next…well then why are you even reading this post? Your spoiler-phobic person, you! LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY UNCLEAN UNCLEAN!

For everyone else, here is the trailer.

We do not have a full official synopsis, but according to the Emmy nomination papers, episode 10, here’s happens in “The Winds of Winter”:

Season Finale. Cersei faces her trial.

Well, that much is obvious. What else is obvious from this video?

  • Loras and Cersei will be tried together in front of seven judges. The hair-shirt type robes we see Loras in are contrasted with Tommen and Margaery’s finery. Also Cersei’s finery.
  • Jon and Sansa are making up over the fact that Sansa went behind his back. Awwwww.
  • Is that a white raven?! Did the Citadel finally send the white ravens!?!
  • The Freys and the Lannisters send their regards, do they? And Jaime’s dining with the Freys. Doesn’t he know that’s a bad diner choice? And why is he having dinner with the Freys when Cersei is on trial in King’s Landing?
  • Littlefinger wants Sansa. Duh. The question is, is she ready for three bad marriages is a row?
  • Davos is going to have Melisandre confess in front of Jon? DAMN SON.
  • A shot of Bran, a shot of Daario, a shot of Dany, and Tyrion’s line about being in the Great Game now.

I am so here for all of this. Tomorrow in the late afternoon we’ll have our usual shot by shot breakdown of this final trailer of 2016 (sob!) and all the fantastic things to come in the season finale.