Actors behind Arya, Davos, and Cersei on what they want for their characters in Season 7

Recently ,we told you about three Game of Thrones cast members (Maisie Williams, Liam Cunningham, and Lena Headey) visiting International Rescue Committee sites in Greece. While they were there, People asked them where they’d like to see their characters end up in Season 7. First up, Maisie Williams talked about Arya becoming a “Lone Ranger.”

"I’d love for her to be a bit of a lone ranger. I’d love for her to be kind of like The Hound. I don’t really want her to reunite with her family because I don’t think that they’re the same people anymore or that she’s the same person anymore. I think she’s better off on her own. I’d love for her to be alive, actually, and be her own boss."

I think I speak for a lot of fans when I say that a reunion between Jon Snow and Arya is near the top of everyone’s Game of Thrones bucket list. You can go be a “Lone Ranger” after you hug Jon and stick a few White Walkers with the pointy end of Needle.

Liam Cunningham, who plays the ever-loyal Davos Seaworth, just wants a peaceful death for his character, and only after he’s lived a long and fulfilling life:

"I don’t want a knife in the back. I don’t him blown up with wildfire. I don’t want to be poisoned. I think perhaps he would open a little flower shop somewhere, some begonias, tulips, and settle down with a lot of attractive women from Dorne, with lots of Dornish wine."

Let’s see…he’s already survived being blown up by wildfire, he survived possible execution by those loyal to Melisandre and Stannis when he returned to kill the Red Priestess, and he survived the Battle of the Bastards. But please don’t go to Dorne, Davos—you won’t survive that.

All that aside: yes, we want to see the Onion Knight live a peaceful life, but what happened to his wife? I mean, isn’t she still waiting on some island somewhere for him to come home from the war? I guess the old adage is true: “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Finally, Lena Headey, whose character, Cersei Lannister, mastermind the downfall of House Tyrell and the Faith of the Seven, seems to want a showdown with Daenerys Targaryen and her army. Although I don’t think that would go in her favor. She also know who she wants to kill Cersei.

Headey says she wants a “great death by Arya.” If that’s not in the cards, she would accept death at the hands of her youngest brother Tyrion. “No one would relish her death as much as he would.”

With Cersei sitting the Iron Throne and Dany’s army on its way to Westeros, a Lannister family reunion is entirely possible. With roughly 13 episodes of the show remaining, we can expect some fireworks pretty soon.

h/t Entertainment Weekly