Awesome video highlights the parallels between Game of Thrones Season 6 and past seasons


Game of Thrones has been on the air for six years now. One of the advantages of that is that it can draw on its own rich history, comparing and contrasting scenes with other scenes to tease out themes and motifs. Having a ton of material to deal with can be daunting, but if done well, parallels and callbacks can make the show richer, and should lengthen its shelf life when it finally ends a couple years from now.

That’s a long-winded way of introducing a very well-edited video from Enzait Films. This one points out the parallels between certain scenes from Season 6 with other moments from the show. It’s a good watch.

Some of these parallels were clearly intended—Ramsay Bolton killing his father in the same way Roose killed Robb Stark, for instance, or Arya killing Walder Frey in the same way Black Walder Rivers killed Catelyn—although I’m not sure about some of the others. For example, it seems like a stretch to say that the blood stain on Lyanna Stark’s bedding is a callback to the red comet from “The North Remembers.”

But that’s the beauty of a multi-layered show like Game of Thrones. Whether it was intended or not, fans can find parallels where they will. We’ll all be analyzing the show long after the final episodes has aired.