The CBC Volunteers Canada As Tribute to Shoot Game of Thrones Season 7

Somewhere around the lead up to Season 5, television critics began to jump on the fact that Winter was late. Game of Thrones has been ominously intoning the Stark words “Winter Is Coming” for years, and yet the sun still beat down on King’s Landing. ‘Where was winter already?’ they demanded to know. (Then the Army of the Dead showed up at Hardhome, and all of them got real quiet. But that’s another article.)

At the end of Season 6, the white ravens were released from the Citadel, and as Sansa and Jon noted, Ned’s promise had come true—winter was finally here. What fans didn’t realize is that with winter would come a change in filming schedules, as the production is planning to push the entire filming process back in order to film in Spain and Ireland during the latter half of the fall and the beginning of winter, since many of their outdoor locations don’t really start to see the effects of cold weather until the latter half of October or later.

But! There is apparently an alternative to waiting. The Canadian Broadcast Company (the CBC) posted today that, if it would not be too forward of them, they might like to perhaps politely suggest that the production doesn’t have to wait to begin the filming process for Game of Thrones Season 7. “After all, to quote the Canadian Winter Olympics team, #WeAreWinter.”

Because apparently not enough of our TV shows set in large urban cities look like Toronto, the Hollywood North is tying to pitch that perhaps, since Game of Thrones has to come to Canada anyway to film Ghost’s scenes (it’s apparently easier than shipping the trained wolf to Northern Ireland in some instances), they should just come and film all of it on a different continent now.

"From Quebec City to Lake Louise, Marble Mountain to Ivvavik National Park, Canada has a plethora of spectacular sites that could easily stand in for Westeros.Now that the show has likely bid adieu to some of the sunnier spots for good — Goodbye Meereen! Farewell Braavos! See ya Vaes Dothrak! — what if Canadian locales stand in for the North, the Vale, the Reach or perhaps even King’s Landing itself?"

Somehow I just don’t see the production going for it, but we’ll see.