Time-lapse: All Six Seasons of Game of Thrones in 24 minutes

Are you a person who has a lot on their plate? No time in the day to get everything done? Would you love to rewatch all 60 hours of Game of Thrones this month, but have too many deadlines and too much to do? Well, now you don’t have to fret, for the internet is here to provide!

Thanks to YouTuber waxonaxon, now you, too, can watch all six seasons of the show on a thirty-minute lunch break. You’ll even have a whole six minutes to spare to grab a coffee before heading back to the grindstone.

Without further adieu, we present Game of Thrones: The Time Lapse edition. The video condenses the entirety of the show to a trim 24 minutes. Take it away, Bran.

Now, personally, I’m a big time lapse junkie. Give me all your YouTube time lapse videos of space. Or setting up for Burning Man, or hot air balloons floating over landscapes. But I was skeptical when I saw this. Game of Thrones time lasped into 24 minutes? Could that actually work?

Well, with the opening image of Bran placing his hand on the weirwood tree, it works. Presenting this like a vision he would experience with his greenseeing abilities makes sense. It’s in line with what we saw earlier this year in Season 6, after the Three-Eyed Raven passed away and the entirety of Westerosi history was “downloaded” into Bran’s head, complete with new shots of the Mad King screaming to burn them all.

So my friends, you no longer need to worry about being able to fit your daily dose of Westeros into your day. You, too, can be like Bran, and download Game of Thrones Seasons 1-6 whenever you have a spare 24 minutes. That’s practically the same price as a cup of coffee, or whatever the commercials say nowadays.