Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner hit the town, cast and crew members catch Emmy hype, and more

(Getty Images/AFP)

We’re a few days out from the 68th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, and there’s hype in the air. But before we get to that, let’s check in with Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams’ night out in Belfast, which was fairly thoroughly documented on Instagram. At some point, they visited a comedy club and had a fun interaction with comedian Simon O’Keefe, who completely didn’t recognize them. Note the two of them in the back of the room in this video.

According to O’Keefe:

"Asked the crowd if anyone wanted a Tesco voucher I found in my wallet digging out something else for a bit, an English girl shouted out she did, told me she was an actress named Sophie, wouldn’t tell me her last name or what she’d been in, turns out it was Sophie Turner who plays Sansa Strak in Game of Thrones (with Maisie Williams who plays Arya Stark) but I didn’t know this at the time."

I’ll admit that I can’t understand everything O’Keefe says, but he appears to be comparing his acting resume with Turner’s. “Have you ever been in an online ad for Harp Lager?” he asked her. “Well, I have.” She may have him beat there.

Also, their night out included a trip to a tattoo parlor. Or they went to a tattoo parlor at another time. In any case: tattoo parlor.

Elsewhere, everyone’s getting prepped for the Emmys. Kristofer Hivu (Tormund Giantsbane) gathered a couple of the Creative Arts Emmys the show took home last weekend (it won nine in all, and is nominated for nine more at the primetime show) and posted his congratulations.

Hivju has been elsewhere around Belfast, as well. Here he is with Aaron Dillon, who describes himself as “occasional background furniture in GoT.”

Dillon must be getting a lot of work as background, because he’s snapped pictures of himself with several Game of Thrones stars. For example, here he is with Iain Glen, who’s not making a secret of the fact that he’s back in Belfast.

Welcome back, Jorah!

George R.R. Martin, too, weighed in on Emmy fever on his Not a Blog. “I’d say ‘eight is enough, and nine is even better,’ but we also lost some… so instead I will just say congratulations to all our winners, and condolences to all our losers, and to all the other nominees as well,” he wrote. “Hugo, Nebula, Oscar, or Emmy, it IS an honor just to be nominated.”

While Game of Thrones won most of the Creative Arts Emmys for which is was nominated, it lost the awards for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series (Max von Sydow as the Three-Eyed Raven), Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series (“Home”), Outstanding Hairstyling for a Single-Camera Series (“The Door”) and Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series (also for “The Door”). Still, not a bad haul at all. Martin goes on:

"With these nine wins, GAME OF THRONES has now taken home more Emmy Awards than any other drama in the entire history of television. That is a tribute to HBO, which truly has no rivals when it comes to production quality, and to David Benioff and Dan Weiss and the outrageously talented cast and crew they assembled to bring the Seven Kingdoms and their people to life. I have been thrilled to be a part of this.And who knows? There are more Emmys Awards this weekend, so we may not be done making television history quite yet. Tune in on Sunday night to find out."

The Primetime Emmys air on September 18 at 7:00 p.m. CST on ABC. Best of luck to everyone on the show!

But before that, there are more stars to spot. For example, here’s Nikola Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister) twerking with a fan from Holywood, near Belfast. You figure there has to be a good story behind this.

And finally, an extra from Belfast posted two pictures of himself during a costume fitting (or possibly on set—the captions clash). The Unsullied are back!

More as it comes in.