Note confirms that Lena Headey is filming Game of Thrones through January

Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) was last seen near the Game of Thrones set when the production was filming in Seville. We haven’t seen her of late, but according to a note obtained by TMZ, we have an idea of how long she’ll be filming for Season 7.

The note is written to Headey by Game of Thrones executive producer Bernadette Caulfield. It reads, in pertinent part:

"This is a notification to confirm that you must be available in November and December 2016 for filming and throughout January 2017 for possible additional scenes and pick-ups.As you are well aware, we are shooting through February 2017. Hopefully you will not be required past January 31st."

Headey submitted this note to the judge presiding over her custody case with ex-husband Peter Lougrhan, who lives in the United States. Under the current order, Headey can only keep her son Wylie with her in the UK when she is filming. Per TMZ, Lougrhan argued that she is finished shooting, and Headey submitted this note to prove that she has more to do. We hope the matter is resolved peaceably.

As far as filming is concerned, if Headey needs to be on call through January, we can assume that Cersei Lannister will play a big role in Season 7. Since she hasn’t been seen near the outdoor very much, she’s probably doing most of her work in studios, likely at Titanic Studios in Belfast.