SPOILERS: Season 7 concept art gives preview of an important scene


Every year, Game of Thrones employs numerous concept artists, among them Kieran Belshaw and Jessica Sinclair, to visualize important moments for the coming season. Today, what looks like images of the concept art for Season 7 were uploaded to Reddit, and while there’s no guarantee they’re genuine, they look very authentic, and fit in with reports from filming.

They also contain SPOILERS, so turn back now if you want to remain unsullied for the new episodes.

Okay, onto the photos. They depict a meeting between several characters at what looks like the the King’s Landing Dragonpit, a structure that used to house the Targaryen dragons but which has since fallen into disrepair.

That’ll be Bronn, Tyrion, a Lannister guard, and what looks like the back of Jon Snow’s head. The mix of real-life photography and artistic rendering recalls Belshaw’s work.

The images fit with reports that the production filmed a meeting between major characters at the Dragonpit, probably for some point late in the season. Two locations stood in for the ruin: the Royal Shipyards of Seville and the ruins of Italica at Santiponce.

Image credit:

Diego Delso

, Wikimedia Commons, License

CC-BY-SA 4.0

This is exciting stuff, but keep in mind that the concept art may not reflect exactly how the finished scene will look. For example, take a look at one of Belshaw’s imaginings of Season 6’s Kingsmoot on the Iron Islands:

Obviously, the bones of Nagga the sea dragon didn’t make it into the finished scene. Also, we reiterate that we don’t have confirmation that the Season 7 concept art images are genuine, but that’s no reason not to enjoy them.

h/t Los Siete Reinos