See the cover of the 2018 A Song of Ice and Fire calendar

One of George R.R. Martin’s minions just revealed the cover of the 2018 A Song of Ice and Fire calendar, and it’s a doozy. Behold artist Eric Velhagen’s rendering of Victarion Greyjoy, a prominent character from A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons who was cut from Game of Thrones, HBO’s TV adaptation of Martin’s work.

You might wonder if it’s a good idea to be standing on a slippery rock above a choppy ocean while wearing heavy plate armor, but that’s just how Victarion rolls. Also, if you voice this opinion in Victarion’s presence, he might kill you, so exercise caution.

The Song of Ice and Fire calendars have been a regular source of awe and wonder for fans of the books. Previous calendars have been illustrated by the likes of Didier Graffet (the 2017 calendar)…

and Magali Villeneuve (the 2016 calendar).

With his “loose painterly style,” Velhagen’s work is well-suited for work in Martin’s world. We’ll look forward to seeing more pieces from the calendar.

Amazon lists the 2018  A Song of Ice and Fire calendar as coming out on July 18 of this year. So go ahead and mark that day on your 2017 A Song of Ice and Fire calendar.