They’re separated by 22 years, but it just so happens that Game of Thrones cast members Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon) and Julian Glover (Grand Maester Pycelle) share the same birthday: March 27. Today, we’d like to celebrate them, whether they want it or not.
When I say that, I’m thinking mostly of Dillane, who inhabited the role of Stannis so well I hesitate to display too much frivolity when discussing him — I don’t imagine Stannis went in for birthday parties. Born in 1957, Dillane became a decorated theater actor, earning Tony, Theater World and Desk Drama Awards over the course of his long career. He did Shakespeare, he did Chekhov, he did Kushner — the guy came well-equipped by the time he appeared as Stannis in Game of Thrones season 2.
Dillane didn’t do many interviews during his time on the show, and when he did give them, he was curt and to the point. Check out this interview from the 2014 BAFTAS where he answered a string of silly questions and tell me he wasn’t the perfect choice to play Stannis:
Outside of Game of Thrones, Dillane is probably be best known for his stage work, but he’s spent plenty of time onscreen, too, including roles as Merlin in 2004’s King Arthur and Horatio in the 1990 version of Hamlet. He’s been even more successful on television, where he has a leading role in the British-French crime drama The Tunnel and made-waves with a guest-starring role in the Golden Globe-winning The Crown.
Dillane is 60 today.
Julian Glover has worked extensively on the stage, too, although his film credits are a little flashier than Dillane’s. They include General Maximillian Veers, one of Darth Vader’s lieutenants, in The Empire Strikes Back…
…Bond villain Aristotle Kristatos in 1981’s For Your Eyes Only…
…Nazi collaborator Walter Donovan in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (you may remember better as “The guy who’s face melted off at the end”)…
…and an alien who got punched in the face in Doctor Who.
Clearly, Glover’s been around, and Game of Thrones benefitted from his wealth of experience when he signed on to play the crafty Pycelle. He’s 82 today.
Happy birthday to both Dillane and Glover!