So HBO released 15 official photos from Game of Thrones season 7. Let’s talk about them.
DAN: I hear that train a ‘coming…a new season of Game of Thrones is barreling towards us and we have the high-quality glossy photos to prove it!
It’s exciting just getting to see actual shots from season 7. True, we’ve had two teasers so far…or promo trailers, or whatever you want to call them, but neither actually had anything from the show. The first involved statues crumbling and the second had footage of Cersei, Jon, and Daenerys sitting in chairs. It was cool, but won’t be part of any episodes.
This is different. Here are our guys decked out in the finest costumes Michele Clapton can dream up for them and mugging for the camera. A lot of the shots are profile pics, but even they yield juicy info. (For example, Jon is standing in the Winterfell crypts, right? Now why would he be down there?) And there are action shots, as well. The photo of Bran and Meera trudging through the snow (I hope Meera doesn’t throw out her back lugging that kid around) indicates that they’re still north of the Wall. That tells us these shots are probably from the premiere episode, or at least that many of them are. That makes sense — HBO wouldn’t want to risk giving anything away from further down the line.
But even in the premiere episode, it looks like there have been some changes. The Hound, for instance, is covered in snow. Last we saw him, the Brotherhood Without Banners was inviting him to head North and fight the White Walkers. “Good and bad, young and old; the things we’re fighting will destroy them all alike.” It looks like they arrived…not that the Hound is pleased about it, insofar as he’s ever pleased about anything.
What did you guys think of the photos? Find any hidden nuggets in there?
COREY: Be still my heart. Was it just me, or were these photos even more revealing than last year’s? I loved all of these photos, and think many of them tell us a great deal. For instance, the ones of Daenerys clearly imply she is receiving someone important — I’m going to say it’s Jon. Varys is standing too formally for this just to be a chat. Dany’s clasped hands and stiff posture in her profile pic reinforce this.
And that shot of Jon, the one many believe to be Jon in the crypts of Winterfell? I think that’s Jon meeting with Dany, as well. Jon would have no reason to wear Longclaw down in the crypts. Jon only wears that sword for formal occasions or for battle. Jon meeting with Dany would certainly constitute a formal occasion. The lighting seems similar in the shots of the two — it’s not the muted grays we’re used to from Winterfell. That’s Jon and Dany have a meeting between to heads of state. Calling it now.
I also loved the shot of my spirit animal, Ser Davos Seaworth. Davos appears to be seated at the high table in Winterfell, and I love that he’s found a king befitting his honorable and loyal nature. You know, someone who doesn’t burn children at the stake. Davos is fully on board with fighting the White Walkers, and will hopefully keep everyone’s eye on the ball.
And that’s not even the biggest shot of the bunch. Gilly and Sam’s study date, while innocent-looking enough, reveals a lot if you care to look. Gilly’s reading about a prophecy involving the Lord of Light, one that could prove to be of the utmost importance before all is said and done.
DAN: I don’t normally do this, but in no way is Jon at Dragonstone in the above pic. Look at the picture above, and then look at the one of Dany:
That’s not remotely the same lighting. However, the lighting and scenery is extremely similar to when we saw Sansa in the crypts in season 5:
Jon’s in the crypts. These are almost certainly from the first episode. So says Varys is his kicky fur robe:
COREY: Fair enough. I concede that Jon is not on Dragonstone in that picture, but I still argue that he’s readying to leave, or readying to meet with someone important. Elsewise, Longclaw would not be strapped to his hip, nor would he be wearing full plate armor.
SARAH: Oh, Corey. Maybe Jon woke up that morning and wanted to look pretty? Or maybe he likes to be prepared — you always have to be ready for action in Westeros. To quote an entirely different fandom, “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” That’s what being murdered does to a person. No bratty orphan boys are getting a dagger through that steel.
Although I would like to suggest to Dan that this shot could be from the last episode, rather than the first. If SPOILERS are to be believed, Jon will be leaving Winterfell early in the season, but I don’t see why he can’t return at the end. I feel like the reveal of his mother’s identity is going to be an end-of-season thing, so if he’s gazing at a statue of Lyanna in the crypts, it could be for that reason. What decent boy wouldn’t want to dress up smart for his mum?
So can we talk about Arya Stark for a moment? Not that there’s ever a waking moment when I’m not discussing her many merits, but I digress.
Firstly, she looks STUNNING! Rocking them brows. My immediate assumption is that she’s sitting in an inn, as the coloring is all wrong for Winterfell. The Inn at the Crossroads, perhaps? It’s always good to see Hot Pie, and after the touching tribute he gave to Brienne in season 4, it would warm the cockles of my heart to see them reunited. Hell, it’d warm my heart to see Arya reunite with anyone who gives a damn about her.
I wonder what she’s looking at? One of the comments in our reveal post, from reader Clob, suggested that Arya is watching a singer tell the story of Jon’s victory at Winterfell — a singer by the name of Ed Sheeran, of course. I don’t know why any show would hire someone with a voice like Ed Sheeran’s and not allow him to sing, so this theory makes a hell of a lot of sense to me and I’m going to believe it until we know for sure. Well struck, Clob. Well struck.
In any case, this picture of my Stark darling has deeply excited me. See: my immediate, frenzied reaction below.
— Sarah Jean (@juicycapoochie) April 20, 2017
RAZOR: I am most intrigued by the photo of Jon in the crypts of Winterfell. I have a working theory that he will learn of his parentage from Bran very early on in season 7. With only 13 episodes remaining, we’re in the waning hours of Game of Thrones, so why drag out that reveal? There too many storylines that need to be wrapped up before the series finale.
There’s also the fact that Jon is finally wearing the trappings of a highborn lord, or even a king. Look closely at the plate armor beneath his cloak. I love the attention to detail, with the direwolves of House Stark facing each other. My take on Jon’s photo is that he is the crypts to say farewell to his mother before traveling to meet his aunt. If this is indeed the case, then there is just no way in the seven hells I can see Jon being romantically involved with Dany.
Look at Kit Harington’s characteristically morose expression. For me, it invokes feelings of sadness. Imagine being raised among trueborn Stark children and being treated by their mother as if you didn’t belong, only to learn you had just as much right to be there as they did. Jon has always been treated as a bastard, but now, not only is he the King in the North, he finally may learn that he is descended from kings of Westeros. I’d have the same look on my face, too.
KATIE: We haven’t pulled out the bullet points in awhile, so I’m bringing them back for this round.
- A perfectly good photo of Sansa in all her regal glory has been effectively ruined by Littlefinger and his “Hey, sweetheart, can I buy you a drink?” pose. Sophie Turner is nailing the cold disinterest in this shot, which is something I’d like to see more of this year. I assume Sansa is calculating the damage she could do if she were to flip him over the railing. Let’s hope we find out.
- Judging by the lighting, it seems that Arya is still at the Twins after murdering Walder and his incompetent sons. I was hoping she’d be well on her way to Winterfell by now, but the show’s teleportation skills will surely get her there before the season’s halfway out. What she’s still doing there is beyond me, but the important thing is that Maisie Williams’ eyebrows are still totally bangin’.
- Jaime’s got that whole freeze frame, “I bet you’re wondering how I ended up here” thing going on. And considering where we left him last season, I certainly do wonder what he’s doing at Cersei’s side. But I’d bet money that it won’t last, not after she inadvertently caused their last child’s suicide.
- Jon is quite clearly in the Winterfell crypts, hopefully with the knowledge that Lyanna Stark is his mother and thus paying his respects to her tomb. I, for one, hope that he learns early on in season 7. This reveal has been such a long time coming that it’s not particularly interesting anymore. We’ve all known for roughly a thousand years; it’s time for Jon Snow to know something too so we can all move on with our lives.
- I don’t particularly care about what Daenerys is doing, although I do appreciate yet another of her killer ensembles.
- The mystery of how Bran and Meera continue their journey after Benjen took off with the only horse has finally been solved. I am relieved, but still a little annoyed with Benjen’s negligent disregard for his nephew’s travel plans.
- Say what you will about wildling customs, but Tormund Giantsbane clearly doesn’t fear commitment. His devotion to wooing Brienne is probably futile, but nevertheless heartwarming. Whatever else comes from season 7, at least we’ll have the laughs.
RICHARD: Lovely pictures, as always from HBO. Everybody has sifted through them pretty well. I think Jon is definitely in the crypt honoring Lyanna. As for Arya, I think she’s returned to the Inn at the Crossroads to see Hot Pie.
I’ll just add this: I think the image of Jaime alongside Cersei says a thousand words. He’s taken his place at his twin’s side because he is bound to her by biology, regardless of her brutal decisions. His eyes are wide open: he knows what she has done and what she is, and still he remains loyal to her. Perhaps, at the last moment, Jaime might break free in time to do something heroic, but his devotion to Cersei until the very last second will be his ultimate undoing.
What did you guys think of the photos? Let us know!