Hey, our comments run on Disqus now—Here’s how to use the new system

You may have noticed that the comments system on WiC has changed lately. We’ve switched over to Disqus (pronounced “Discuss,” but spelled dumb), a content management system widely used all over the internet. In case anyone out there wants to leave comments on WiC but is unfamiliar with Disqus, we thought we’d draw up a quick primer.

If you’re not on Disqus, signing up is easy. Head to the webpage. Put in your name, your email, and your password, and hit “Signup.” It’ll send a confirmation message to the email address you gave. Open that up, confirm that you’re you, and you’re in! (It also asks you to follow three channels, but you don’t have to. It’ll work regardless.)

It’s another profile to manage, but worth it, since Disqus is used by many websites across the net — it had 100 million user profiles as of 2013, and it’s only grown since then. Plus, it comes with some bells and whistles, like:

  • Much easier to follow the thread of a conversation
  • Less spam.
  • Unlike with the old comments system, Disqus lets you upload photos, like this one from The Pixel Factor:

It’s A Selfie of Ice and Fire. Geddit? Also, is that the Mountain’s arm around Cersei? It’s thinner than I imagined.

It’s also easy to edit your profile on Disqus. Once you’re logged in, just head to the website, click the “Profile” icon in the upper-right hand corner, hit “Edit Profile,” and update it with an image, a biography, and more as you please. (Yes, I know I don’t have a profile image yet — give me a minute.)

You can also view all your comments across all sites that use Disqus. It’s a nifty little system and we hope y’all enjoy it!