This summer, HBO is partnering with Major League Baseball to market Game of Thrones season 7 to the masses. As part of that partnership, many teams are hosting special theme nights where Thrones merch will be being given away to lucky fans who purchase a special ticket. Thanks to HBO’s Making Game of Thrones page, we have a complete list of which teams will be hosting Game of Thrones theme nights, and when. Take a look:
If you’re a Mariners (6/20) or Dodgers fan (6/22), and you didn’t get a chance to attend the designated night, then you are tragically out of luck. However, if you’re a Giants fan, you still have time to get to the ballpark and get yourself a House of Pence bobblehead on July 20. The Giants even their own Game of Thrones theme night opening credits:
Neat. And according to WUSA 9, the Iron Throne was at Nationals Park last night for the Washington Nationals’ go at a theme night. There was also be a special Game of Thrones menu, and the mascots were dressed in their best Westerosi attire. Also an egg hunt:
"In prep for the event, the Nationals will hide 10 prize-filled dragon eggs Tuesday morning throughout the DMV metro region. A Westeros-themed map of the locations will be posted throughout the Nationals social media channels."
The eggs held prizes — collectible t-shirts, tickets to the theme night game, etc. Let’s see what else the teams pull out as the summer continues.
Next: Small Council: What did we think of the second trailer for Game of Thrones season 7?
If you’re wondering how to acquire tickets to your local ballpark for a Game of Thrones night, you can visit the MLB special events page.