Rotten Tomatoes survey reveals favorite Game of Thrones characters, villains and more


Everyone has a favorite. Favorite character, favorite villain, favorite episode, or favorite season. Game of Thrones is a polarizing show where every fan views the goings on in Westeros through a different lens.

With that in mind, Business Insider teamed up with review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes to survey 1000 Game of Thrones fans on all aspects of the show. From “Greatest Hero” to “Most Shocking Death” Rotten Tomatoes covered all their bases, and there are some interesting results (The winners won’t surprise you, but the margins might).

First up season 6 took home the honors for best season, edging out season 4. Could season 6’s recent airing be affecting the vote? Or, is it just that awesome?

  1. Season 6… 30%
  2. Season 4… 23%
  3. Season 1… 19%
  4. Season 3… 14%
  5. Season 5… 9%
  6. Season 2… 4%

Season 5 narrowly took the honor of worst season, managing to be just 1% less loved than season 2. Congratulations (We blame the Sand Snakes).

  1. Season 5… 28%
  2. Season 2… 27%
  3. Season 3… 18%
  4. Season 4… 10%
  5. Season 6… 8% (tie)
  1. Season 1… 8% (tie)

And now, moving on to everyone’s favorite topic —  death. Death plays a large role in Game of Thrones, so of course, Rotten Tomatoes spent a good deal of time on the subject. First up, the show’s most satisfying death. Joffrey Baratheon took home this award, and we hope he chokes on it…again.

  1. Joffrey Baratheon (season 4)… 44%
  2. Ramsay Bolton (season 6)… 35%

On the flip side, the show’s most heartbreaking death belongs to Stark family gentle giant, Hodor. By a wide margin.

  1. Hodor (season 6)… 35%
  2. Eddard “Ned” Stark (season 1)… 14%

Interestingly enough, despite the votes received by Ramsay Bolton and Joffrey Baratheon for most satisfying death, it was Cersei Lannister who was voted the show’s best villain by a Wun Wun sized margin. Perhaps most satisfying death will change if Cersei ever perishes.

  1. Cersei Lannister… 41%
  2. Ramsay Bolton… 22%
  3. Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish… 16%

The show’s favorite character was less than surprising, as Tyrion defeated Jon and Daenerys for the top spot.

  1. Tyrion Lannister… 28%
  2. Daenerys Targaryen… 19%
  3. Jon Snow… 17%

Next: Looking for a Hand to Hold—The Life and Lies of Jaime Lannister

There are plenty of more categories, so for the full survey results, click here. Hopefully, there will be a new survey after 7 airs. We have a feeling the results might change.