Maisie Williams Featured In New Doctor Who Trailer


San Diego Comic Con’s Hall H will host the Game of Thrones panel about 24 hours from now. But as a small teaser to all us who are mired in the Long Night of the off season, the producers of Doctor Who gave GoT fans a little treat at their panel. Maisie William’s cameo for next season is featured in the trailer for the ninth season of the show.

Behold, Arya meets the Twelfth Doctor. And he clearly knows her from earlier adventures.

(For those non-Who fans in the audience, skip to about 1:15 to see Maisie. She’s the button scene.)

As for what took the Old Man so long? Seriously? You sweet summer child, have you *seen* how long it takes to get around Westeros? For heaven’s sake, of all people, Arya should know. She was the one wandering around the King’s Road for three whole seasons, never actually seeming to get anywhere. If you don’t have Littlefinger’s wormhole that he bought cheap off of Deep Space Nine after it went out of business, the one that gives you a direct path from the North to King’s Landing, it might even take you over 2000 years and a dozen or so regenerations!

Really now, be glad he found you at all, and that you don’t reject him. It’s more than one can say for Brienne of Tarth.

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