The Best Game of Thrones Cosplay at SDCC 2015

San Diego Comic Con is as renowned for its carnival-style atmosphere as for it’s panels, newsmaking interviews, major reveals about popular franchises, and the surprise concert or two. That atmosphere comes courtesy of the thousands upon thousands of fans who make the pilgrimage to southern California, costumes in hand, to parade about as their favorite characters in the grand tradition known as cosplay.

That includes plenty of people who dress up as Game of Thrones characters. It was not the most popular theme this year (that would go to Star Wars, whose imminent revival was one of the major talking points of the convention.) But those devoted to cosplaying the great figures of Westeros were no slouches when it came to their outfits. As you can see above from this group shot we found on Twitter, those who represented Thrones made sure to bring it.

We’ve collected the best Game of Thrones cosplay looks below.

The tattoo was a little out of character, but this Daenarys Targaryen not only blew away the competition in outfits, she also in the wig department. (Wigs are really difficult, and well-done ones are the difference between a good GoT cosplay and a great one.)

I don’t know what’s more disturbing: the Son of the harpy on the lose at the con, or that there’s apparently one hiding among the Black Brothers at the Wall. (This shot comes courtesy of the Game of Thrones Twitter account.)

The wig wasn’t quite as tight as the other Dany, but the dress and the metal accessories were spot on. (via Popsugar.)

The Night’s Queen is looking for the Night’s King. She told him to pick up milk, bread and toilet paper on his way back from Hardhome. There’s a storm coming, after all. (via Business Insider)

Before and after Cersei Lannisters. I hope to see Shame Nuns at every convention going forward. (via Popsugar)

Gone but not forgotten! This Oberyn Martell has both the appropriate man cleavage and both his eyes. (via Geeks are Sexy)

Inquiring Tyrions want to know… (via MTV)

Oh dear. All out of life. (via Dorkly)

If you can’t find a Cersei to shame, bring your own. (Via Dorkly)

Awww, Bran! We found him. He was in the cereal aisle all the time. (via Facebook)

The big group shot of all the Game of Thrones cosplayers together. (via the Game of Thrones Twitter feed)

Bonus: someone cosplaying as Peter Dinklage. The mask is eerily good too. (via Business Insider)

Next: Evidence piles up for a scene at the Tower of Joy in Season 6