REVIEW: Doctor Who: Four Doctors #4 (Comic Book)


"“There are moments in life when you learn surprising things about yourself.”"

When we last left off, the three TARDIS teams were caught up in a continuity bomb, sending them into three alternate realities. For the Tenth Doctor, it was letting Wilf die so he could continue to live. The Eleventh Doctor lived with River Song while the rest of reality collapsed around them. Deciding to physically manifest in one of the realities, they choose the alternate reality for the Twelfth Doctor. Abandoned by Clara, this Doctor has grown into an old hermit who has stayed inside his TARDIS. He takes them to the planet Marinus, where it is revealed that the alternate Doctor is now the leader of the Voord.

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This issue is very heavy on exposition as the alternate evil Doctor explains how he came to be and what his plans are involving his other selves. Despite the heavy amount of timey-whimey exposition, it still is a quick read. Paul Cornell clearly shows his love for Doctor Who lore as he brings together classic Who with the new series. There is still plenty of action in this issue as companions Gabby and Alice are the ones put in mortal danger as they are hunted by the Voord. I thought this was a very smart move, as we know the television companions will survive. By placing the comic book companions in harm’s way, it leaves the future unknown keeping your audience reading.

Related: REVIEW: Doctor Who: Four Doctors #3 (Comic Book)

Despite the very dramatic story, there are still several funny moments including one that pokes fun at Christopher Eccleston‘s refusal to appear in a multi-Doctor special. Each Doctor gets to play at his strengths, but I really felt there was a lack for the Eleventh Doctor to do anything. I know it’s tough when working in this format to utilize every character effectively, but it really did feel at times like Eleven was wasted in this issue.

There is once again some brilliant artwork, particularly of Marinus and the Voord. I’m both excited and sad to see this tale come to a conclusion next week. However, it has made me want to delve more into the individual series starring Doctors Ten and Eleven. Gabby and Alice are fantastic companions, and it was great to see them both shine in this issue. If you have not picked up this series yet, make it a point to do so. If nothing else, get the trade edition of all of the issues, whenever that comes out.

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