Doctor Who: Big Finish Should Hire Jenna Coleman


It has now been officially confirmed: Jenna Coleman‘s journey aboard the TARDIS will be ending soon. Clara Oswald has been one of the longest serving companions on Doctor Who, standing alongside both Matt Smith and current incarnation Peter Capaldi. Her departure will place her on the list of the many former companions within the Doctor’s memories. Although Clara’s relationship with the Doctor is nearly finished, I think that Jenna Coleman’s ties to Doctor Who could very well continue. I have an idea regarding this, and it involves Big Finish and a story line that I felt was not fully explored to its fullest potential on television.

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Big Finish has done a phenomenal job of merging classic Doctor Who with friends and foes of new Who. The incorporation of characters such as River Song and Strax within the universe of the classic series has been met with much excitement. An upcoming release will see classic Doctors square off against monsters from the new series such as the Weeping Angels and the Sycorax. It definitely makes sense for Big Finish to continue this trend of utilizing elements of the ongoing television series into its productions. It is for that reason that they should be ready to bring Jenna Coleman in for a special series, but not as Clara Oswald. The focus would be on the various fractured versions who have appeared throughout the various lives of the Doctor.

Related: It’s Official: Jenna Coleman is Leaving Doctor Who

In ‘The Name of the Doctor’, The Great Intelligence entered the Doctor’s time stream at various points from his past incarnations. Clara had to save her friend, so she jumped in as well, resulting in the splintered Claras who we see pop up in the Doctor’s past lives. We only get a few quick shots of her interventions, many of them with incredibly bad special effects. Personally, I was never satisfied with the quick resolution and subsequent disregard that Clara had truly been in the Doctor’s lives far longer than any other companion. I think that Big Finish should hire Jenna Coleman to play some of these fractured Claras with each one having an adventure with a classic Doctor.

Can you imagine Jenna Coleman opposite Peter Davison as they battle the return of the Yeti? What about the verbal banter between her and Sixth Doctor Colin Baker as they face a terrible alien threat? What would the interaction be like between Coleman and Sylvester McCoy? Bringing back Jenna Coleman for a special release would be a real treat for the fans. This could prove to be one of the best ways Big Finish could merge the new into the classic. True, the Doctor never remembers meeting Clara, but I’m sure the wonderful writers could come up with some plausible ways around that.

Related: River Song and Other New Series Characters Return for Big Finish!

As Big Finish continues to bring excellence into the universe of Doctor Who, a wise decision would be to hire the talented Ms. Coleman in the future. The splintered Claras plot offers some great opportunities. If anyone from Big Finish is reading this, please take this great opportunity and turn it into something truly epic. The actress behind Clara Oswald may not be finished yet.

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