Hilarity Pile: James Franco plans the Red Wedding, newlyweds run from White Walkers


For those who don’t know (and I’m assuming that’s a lot of people), James Franco has an ongoing online series called Making a Scene over on AOL. In each episode, he and his team mash up a TV genre with an inapposite TV show, or two incompatible TV shows (say Breaking Bad and Sex and the City). Basically, AOL is giving Franco and his friends some money to goof off, and this week it resulted in a Game of Thrones sitcom called Modern Thrones.

Incidentally, James Franco admitted elsewhere that he’s never watched the show (he’s waiting for it to end so he can binge), and you can decide for yourself whether that affected his performance as Jon Snow, Night’s Watchman turned Westerosi wedding planner.

Elsewhere in the world, a Northern Irish couple—Mairead and Jonny Hill—were married, and spiced up their wedding photos with a bit of Westerosi flair.

The couple were getting their wedding pics taken in Tollymore Forest, part of the first state forest park in Northern Ireland. When they realized that the area had been used as the backdrop for some scenes on Game of Thrones (the first scene from the pilot, where the Night’s Watchmen encounter White Walkers, and the scene where Ned and the Stark kids come across the direwolves), they couldn’t resist the opportunity to take a theme photo.

Obviously, there was some heavy photoshopping involved. Or was there?

Yes, there was.

H/T Huffington Post, Belfast Telegraph

Next: Surprise! Game of Thrones turns up in Croatia after all.