Filming in the first location of Almería is officially in full swing. The first couple of days of shooting were out in the desert near the village of Pechina. Last night/today, the production moved to the large Dothraki encampment set the show has been constructing since August, in the El Chorrillo Sierra Alhamilla area. And guess who turned up?
It may be a long lens paparazzi style shot, but one of the more useful things about Daenerys Targaryen is that long white hair. It stands out in the crowd, and you see it just to the left of the center of the frame. From this shot it’s not obvious if she’s still a prisoner of the Khalasar like she obviously was when they filmed in Navarra, or if she’s managed to assume control yet. I’m guessing the former.
La Voz De Almería, which brought us this picture, has an entire gallery from filming. According to their reports, already “hundreds” of extras have passed through the set filming different sequences since Saturday.They also confirm the presence of Iain Glen and Michiel Huisman on set, though we haven’t really been able to pick them out of the crowd, since they don’t have such an obvious hairstyle to look for.
We’ve got a few choice shots from their gallery below.
Night shoots in the village proper. Sadly, these are from the backstage side, so we can’t see how Dany is being received.
There was also quite a bit of filming happening in the set piece I think of as “The Main Hut” during the daylight hours. Is anyone else weirded out by the really large face prop leaning up against the outside of The Hut? What *is* that?
It’s impossible to pick out Daario or Jorah in the crowd shots, unfortunately. We’ll have to hope their rescue of Dany works out. If nothing else, it’s good to know that Jorah isn’t dead yet.
Check out the link for the whole gallery.
Speaking of Emilia Clarke, she has been awarded the title of “Sexiest Woman Alive” by Esquire, meaning that her herald is now obliged to announce her like this: “Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, Sexiest Woman Alive, and Mother of Dragons.”
Esquire has an interview with Clarke as well. It’s light on insight into Game of Thrones, although she does offer some reminiscences about trying out for the part. “I had two scenes which told me nothing and not very much time in which to read all those [George R. R. Martin] books…So I did what every good actor does and Wikipedia’d the living crap out of it.” Good advice.