Yesterday, we reported that actor George Georgio would be returning to Game of Thrones as Razdal mo Eraz, the Yunkish slaver who tried to bribe Daenerys to pass Yunkai by in Season 3’s “The Bear and the Maiden Fair.” She didn’t comply, so odds are that Razdal is angry and looking for revenge. Looking for him to join the armies besieging Meereen in Season 6.
“I will break you.”
Razdal won’t be the only slaver in town. It appears that actor Enzo Cilenti will also be returning as Yezzan zo Qaggaz, the slaver who bought Tyrion and Jorah in Season 5 so he could enter them in the fighting pits. Cilenti recently posted this photo of the Cathedral of Almería to his Instagram. The crew is currently shooting in the area, so folk have put two and two together.
Also, Georgio has been talking to Cilenti on Twitter, slaver to slaver.
@georgiou1978 Oh yeah!
— Enzo Cilenti (@EnzoCilenti) October 6, 2015
The show’s depiction of Yezzan doesn’t much resemble the character of the same name from the books, where he’s a kindly, morbidly obese slaver who purchases Tyrion so he can add the rightful heir to Casterly Rock to his collection of deformed slaves. Still, if the slavers are teaming up, it probably means bad things for Tyrion and Varys, who are fighting to keep Daenerys’ anti-slavery regime in place. My guess is that Razdal and Yezzan will be part of the siege of Meereen, maybe even the architects of it. Elsewhere in Almería, Melty has shots of GoT signs outside a gypsum quarry in Sorbas, plus this video of some of production’s vehicles in the area.
The site also has an interesting account of how its photographers slipped past the security staff had in place to protect filming, although it remains unclear exactly what was filmed in the area. Melty even reports that HBO requested that the army be on hand to guard the perimeter on Monday, which would take spoiler protection to a whole new level.
UPDATE: Meanwhile, outside of time and space in Westeros, this extremely interesting photograph has surfaced on Reddit. It shows (don’t be alarmed) Lena Headey (Cersei) standing together with figures who are pretty unmistakably Emilia Clarke (Daenerys) and Natalie Dormer (Margaery), all of them in full costume and wigged out.
Now, before anybody freaks out and thinks this means that Cersei, Dany, and Margaery will be meeting up in Season 6, the picture is very probably from a promotional photoshoot. For one thing, Clarke is wearing what looks like one of her flowing white gowns from last season, whereas in Season 6 she’ll probably be wearing Dothraki riding gear. Also, Dormer is wearing queenly raiment rather than the simple shifts favored by the Sparrows. Anyway, the chances of these three meeting next year are about 800-1, given what we know about Season 6. It was around this time last time last year that Entertainment Weekly shot its massive 240 Hours in Westeros spread, so this is probably something similar. What publication wouldn’t want to publish glossy photos of “The Three Queens?”
Next: Awesome map shows crazy distance Game of Thrones characters have traveled during the show