President Obama loves Game of Thrones, even if he can’t remember the names

Game of Thrones has fans in high places, including President Barack Obama. Right after the Season 5 finale, director David Nutter said that he personally assured the president of the United States that Jon Snow was, in fact, dead.* That particular story has taken a few twists and turns since then, but the news that Obama is a fan of the show is as surreal now as it was back then.

Obama dove a little deeper into his fandom in a recent interview with GQ. It’s a wide-ranging read, as Obama touches on everything from Ferguson to his family to immigration reform, but we’ll zero in on the Game of Thrones-related section, which starts after interviewer Bill Simmons asks Obama about his TV habits. After some warbling about golf, Obama says, simply, “I do love Game of Thrones.”

"My favorite character is probably…the dwarf, what’s his name?"

That would be Tyrion Lannister, Mr. President. Like many a casual fan, Obama said he has trouble keeping the many names on the show straight, but it doesn’t dim his enjoyment.

"I remember the characters, so when I watch it, I know exactly what’s going on. But if you read a review of the show afterwards and they’re mentioning such and such, the only one I remember is Jon Snow, because I can pronounce Jon Snow."

Okay, so Obama also reads reviews of the show. He didn’t say whether he reads them online or in print, and he didn’t name his sources, but I’m just going to go ahead and assume that President Barack Obama regularly visits Winter is Coming. He probably comments on the recaps. You heard it here first.

GQ transitioned out of Game of Thrones-related topics by bringing up Donald Trump. That’ll kill the mood.

"GQ: “Which Game of Thrones character is Donald Trump?”Obama: “Uh…I don’t think…I don’t think any of them rise to that level.”"

Maybe Robert Baratheon? Big and blustering and entertaining but probably not actually qualified to rule? That’s the closest thing I can think of.

In any case, count Barack Obama as one of the most famous Game of Thrones fans out there. Incidentally, we’d be happy to give you a crash course in character names in exchange for a personal tour of the White House. Just something to think about.

*I still don’t know why or how David Nutter was talking to the president in the first place. Did Obama call Nutter on the phone and demand to know what had become of Jon Snow? Were they both at the same charity dinner? It’s perplexing.