Spoilers: Winterfell Filming continues, plus Ghost sightings

We do love our Game of Thrones Season 6 spoilers here at WiC, so buckle up and strap in. We’re got new details that involve… THAT POSTER.

(Seriously, does anyone else laugh and laugh and laugh every time they see that poster? I feel like HBO just told the world’s funniest joke, with a punchline I’ve been waiting for since 2011.)

Our Spanish-speaking Brothers in Arms over at Los Siete Reinos have a roundup of spoilers gleaned in light of HBO’s teaser.

  • Carice Van Houten (Melisandre) hasn’t had very much filming time this season. I had thought perhaps it was all done under wraps, and that’s why we hadn’t seen much of her. But according to LSR, there’s more to it—she’s only had a very short filming stint *and* it was nearly all done in Belfast on closed sets with minimal extras. (By the way, if that’s accurate, perhaps it is Sansa, rather than Melisandre, with Kit Harington and crew in these spoiler pictures. Or it’s someone else entirely)
  • LSR reports that Ghost will be “somehow involved in the process of [Jon Snow’s] resurrection.” At this point, the direwolf has grown so large that having a dog stand in for him is pointless, so a ball on a stick stands in for him on set. The reports confirm that Jon’s faithful companion is basically all CGI at this point.
  • The interiors of the Tower of Joy with Lyanna Stark and Ned were also done on closed sets in Belfast. There were no extras allowed. The production is not taking chances.

And finally, though Kit Harington was spotted in London this week, filming in Winterfell continues apace, with locals reporting night shoots and rumors that the production is purposely creating mudbowl conditions.

Next: Martinology update: When will The Winds of Winter hit store shelves?