Rick Kelvington’s Doctor Who/Star Wars Mashup Videos


“A long time ago, in a TARDIS far, far away…”

If you look around online, you will find a plethora of fan-created videos for countless franchises. You will find a range of formats for these videos from dramatic live action spin-off series to comedic animated shorts. Sometimes they are in the form of music videos, which range from a popular song playing over clips of a show or movie to full original productions. An example of the latter is the extremely popular Doctor Who Parody by The Hillywood Show, which has Doctor Who characters performing their rendition of ‘Time Warp‘ from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Considering the recent theatrical release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, however, what we will be focussing on in this article is the work of Rick Kelvington of Reverse the Polarity Productions. He is best known for his digest parody mashups of various geek movies and television programs. To date, three of these are mashups of Doctor Who and Star Wars. There are quite a few spoilers ahead.

The first video (2010) is titled Doctor Who Meets Star Wars and incorporates footage from Star Wars Episodes Four, Five, and Six with that of Doctors One through Eleven, focussing mainly on Doctors Nine, Ten, and Eleven. It is not entirely clear to me what is going on, but it is jam packed with regenerations. Naturally, Darth Vader is the Master. He is beheaded by Amy Pond with a light saber. There is even a brief Star Trek cameo from Captain Kirk.

More from Doctor Who

In the second video (2012), Doctor Who Meets Star Wars Episode I, the Doctor is revealed to have the highest midi-chlorian count ever recorded. It appears that some Doctors are on the light side of the Force, some on the dark. The Fourth Doctor is killed by Qui-Gon Jinn in a light saber duel and regenerates into the Fifth. We even get to see Romana with a light saber.

The last video (2013), Doctor Who Meets Star Wars Episode II (subtitled ‘Attack of the Sontarans’), obviously replaces Storm Troopers with Sontarans. Doctors one through eleven all make a significant appearance, Rassilon is in the Galactic Senate, and we see John Simm’s Master in the role of Anakin Skywalker. Yoda uses the Master’s Chameleon Arch fob watch to control him somehow. I love that Chalmun’s Spaceport Cantina and The Maldovarium are merged.

(Article continues after the next post box.)

Next: Doctor Who Web Comics

I am looking forward to Kelvington’s next installment. What do you think of his videos? Let us know in the comments.