The Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser ScreenCap Breakdown

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I knew it.

I mean, I was hoping. Hoping against hope that there would actually be some new material in this teaser. I knew the Twitter account said we would be teased. But hell, I wanted to be teased with something real from Game of Thrones Season 6. As I said this morning, it’s obvious the production was keeping things close to the vest. And I’ve now said several times that they know perfectly well they don’t have to give us a damn thing, and we’ll still eat it with a spoon.

Well, here I am, and I brought spoons for everybody. I said I would do a screencap breakdown of the new teaser when it hit. And let’s be honest–though not a single shot in this “teaser” is from the new season, the images of the cast, both dead and still living, adorning the Hall of Faces, makes for some pretty damn cool screen caps. So let’s do this. Everyone grab a spoon.

1. Hall of Faces

We knew from the tweet put out on Friday that the trailer would be happening in the Hall of Faces. And with good reason. Of all the sets the show currently has, it is both one of the spookiest and one of the most impressive, especially because you can’t always tell where the set ends and the CGI begins. Many, including me, were hoping this meant an Arya-focused trailer. Book-readers know that when Arya becomes blind, her other senses become heightened–all her other senses. Not just smell, taste, sound and touch, but the one that Bran tapped into when he was disabled and that runs through the Stark family: the ability to warg.

Sadly, it was not to be. Instead, we get to go back to the beginning.

2. Ned Stark

I miss Ned Stark.

I forget most of the time how much I actually miss Sean Bean on this show. I have to go back to Season 1 and rewatch, and then it all come back how much I really loved that character. And that’s taking into account how much more clueless he comes off on TV. In the books, at least we are inside his head. His reasoning to go tell Cersei “I figured out your kids are incest-born bastards, I’m giving you 48 hours to vacate” seems perfectly logical. On screen, it  is the dumbest, most clueless, you-can’t-be-serious move there is in perhaps the entire series. And yet! I miss the clarity of purpose Bean brought to Ned. And I miss Ned’s black and white world. So easy, so simple, so un-confusing. I knew who to root for with Ned. Too bad. Ned’s dead baby. Ned’s dead.

Next: Robb Stark