The Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser ScreenCap Breakdown

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3. Robb Stark

The poor foolish Robb Stark. Like Ned, he also saw things in, well, stark terms. The difference is that Ned was in over his head in King’s Landing. Robb had it worse; he was in over his head in war. He won every battle, and yet with one stupid, selfish movie, he sacrificed the entire war without knowing it. He could have made Talisa his mistress, you know. He could have had his cake and eaten it too, married to a Frey girl and in love with his combat medic wench. That’s how it works in Westeros. But no. He had to be all noble and break his word to an ally in order to make an honest woman out of someone who wasn’t even from this continent. Poor Robb Stark.

4. Catelyn Stark

The shot that’s going to be the talk of Twitter and Reddit for the next…how many days until April 24th?…. (does some math) 70 days. This shot of Catelyn Stark’s face in the Hall, crying out for revenge, is the stuff that Lady Stoneheart fantasies are made of. And let’s be real for a second: that line they use is the one from the third season trailer. That’s as recycled as it gets. And yet! I can already here the howls of “Lady Stoneheart, confirmed!”

The production does too, don’t worry. I think they knew exactly what they were doing. (At least, after two years of fans howling about her, I would hope they did.)

Next: Joffrey Baratheon