Screencap breakdown: Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer

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Note the sigil on the breastplate of the duel-wielding knight: it appears to be the Targaryen three-headed dragon. This appears to be another shot from the fight at the Tower of Joy, when a young Ned Stark and his companions confronted members of Aerys Targaryen’s kingsguard. There were shots of a knight, probably Arthur Dayne, duel-wielding swords in leaked video footage of the shoot.

I’d guess this is a shot from the Battle of the Bastards. Note the shield in the back: it appears to bear the flayed man banner. Has Tormund been captured? Or maybe he’s just on the front lines and there are Bolton dead everywhere.

Here’s another one that’s almost certainly from the Battle of the Bastards….and who is that on horseback in the center there?

COULD IT BE?!?!?!?!

Next: Margaery Makes a Deal