Let’s Break Down That Game of Thrones March Madness Trailer

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Four new shots now, not really related by scene, but more by character. We first have repeat shots of the ship returning Myrcella’s body and Cersei weeping at the dock. Then the High Sparrow here with Tommen: “We are sinful creatures. We deserve death. We all do.” (By the way, that’s a hell of a thing to say to a teenager whose sister was murdered for political vengeance.)

We then cut to Jaime. This scene is him riding with the Tyrell army behind him up the Steps of Baelor to face off with the High Sparrow and demand Maragery’s return.

Then to Brienne, who probably isn’t going up against Jaime, but she’s probably using the sword he gave her to kill whomever it is she’s fighting. (Theon turning around in the next shot is a repeat and most likely not related.)

And then my personal favorite shot of the trailer: Drogon, flying over the Vaes Dothrak to breath fiery hell on the Dothraki who captured his mother. I love this because we knew there was quite a bit of Pyrotechnical work that went into filming the Vaes Dothrak scenes, but we did not have confirmation if these would be Drogon set fires, or just Dany burning their city to the ground. Looks like it just might be the former.

Next: Whose Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses?