Rheon also got written up in The Indian Express, where he talked about some the character’s far-flung inspirations. “I’ve got a couple of references that I used for him,” Rheon said. “It was somewhere in between the Joker from ‘The Dark Knight’ and ‘Dennis the Menace’, with a bit of Liam Gallagher in there too.”
For those who don’t know, Liam Gallagher is the notoriously unfiltered lead singer of British rock band Oasis, and yeah, we can kind of see that.
Going deeper, Rheon described Ramsay as a sociopath who lacks empathy and loves hurting others. Shocking, right? But Rheon thinks there are some layers there, too, and talked about how Ramsay sometimes “gets left behind.”
"He does have motivations in life, like all the other characters do in their striving for power…He’s never had any security in his life. He feels dispensable, so he is constantly having to prove that he’s useful."
If there’s one person who Ramsay seems to need to prove himself to, it’s his father, Roose Bolton, as Rheon notes in the video below. As we go into Season 6, it’ll pay to keep an eye on this relationship, as it seems like it could go nuclear at any moment considering the personalities involved. After all, Tyrion secretly yearned for Tywin’s approval, and we all saw how that ended.
Meanwhile, Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark) gave an interview to Filipino news outlet InterAksyon, where he described the process by which the Game of Thrones showrunners break the news to an actor that their character is dying. “The thing is, people tend to know [when] their characters die,” he said. “They get sent a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne before they get the dreaded final call and then that’s it.” Do the actors still get champagne if they, like Wright, are under drinking age? Never mind—that’s not important.
He also gave his thoughts on his ever-dwindling onscreen family.
"We all love the Starks. But [they’re] getting thinner and thinner every year. I’ve definitely lost track on who are still in the show now because everyone dies. From Day 1 we lost Ned Stark and from then on, the Starks didn’t have a great record. So yes, I do miss the Starks."
As do we all.
As everyone probably knows by now, Wright is returning to the show for Season 6 after sitting Season 5 out. It felt “odd” to miss a season (“Throughout the year, I started to miss it more and more and see everyone going off to shoot and the fun everyone was having.”), but he’s excited to be back in the mix, and is eager to debut the new abilities he’s learned while studying under the Three-Eyed Raven.
"Bran picks up a bit in Season 6. As the series progresses, we’ve been seeing glimpses of what his power could do. Bran is now a fully fledged superpower. He’s being able to use it to look at some important things and it’s setting the stage to use his powers for God knows what."
Wright was tight-lipped about exactly what, if anything, Bran uses his new abilities for, but he does have some ideas.
"Given where Bran’s power has been going and the direction that goes this season, I’d love for Bran to just be a mystical presage that sort of controls the nature of Westeros and keeps everything in balance. I think the really cool thing about his power is that he’s got the vision and the greensight with which he can see the past and the future and the present…It’s like he’s watching the whole series as he kinda knows everything that’s going on and everything that’s happening. So I think Bran can really do some cool and special things with his power"
Tune in April 24 to see how it all shakes out.