Breaking Down the Second Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer

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This feels like a scene that picks up directly where we left off from the button on the last trailer. Davos apologizes for what we’re about to see, and they all draw their swords, then the next shot is the rest of the Night’s Watch outside, trying to break into the room where Davos and company, plus Jon Snow’s body, are holed up.

This shot was part of the Conan clip from last week, as the Night’s Watch chop down the door.

This entire trailer is obnoxiously dark. I did a brightening effect on this shot, and discovered that there’s actually someone standing against the wall looking down at Jon’s body.

I assume it’s Tormund Giantsbane, since at this point in the trailer, he’s talking about how he thought Jon Snow was “the man to lead us through the long night.”

We all did, Tormund. We all did.

Meanwhile, in Meereen, things are not going well from the sounds of the Masters’ dialogue. “Do you like games, little man?”

Another shot that could use a brightener.

They don’t look good for Dany’s right hand man. But then again, they never looked good with Dany either. When will we all admit that settling in Meereen was a bad idea and everyone should move on?

Next: Spilling blood and unsheathing swords