Former Doctor Who Stars Show Support for New Companion


Former cast members of Doctor Who have reached out to Pearl Mackie on Twitter to welcome her into the fold.

Pearl Mackie as Bill – credit:

One of the truly unique characteristics of the Doctor Who pantheon of stars is the fact they are as deeply entrenched and embedded into the culture of the franchise as are their rabid fans. The current and former stars of the show function less like a cast and more like a metaphysical mafia — once you’re in, you’re in forever. It is a testament to the caliber of the show that actors remain deeply invested in its success and longevity even after the checks stop coming in.

More from Doctor Who

So it is not all too surprising that when the news broke of Pearl Mackie being tapped as the good Doctor’s newest companion, cheers from her colleagues came from far and wide, throughout all of space and time — via social media. The following are some Tweets sent from the Doctor Who diaspora.

Jovian Wade, better known to Whovians as the spray-can wielding Rigsy, chimed in:

Louise Jameson who played Leela on the show sent some love as well:

Karen Gillan or only one of the most popular companions ever, Amy Pond, sent her approval:

Noel Clarke, who played the companion’s companion Mickey Smith, was enthused as well:

Katy Manning, who played the role of classic era companion Jo Grant, welcomed her newest colleague:

Igrid Oliver who plays fan spirit animal Osgood registered her approval as well:

(Article continues below the next post link.)

Next: Doctor Who: Who is Pearl Mackie?

It seems like Pearl Mackie has the seal of approval from the Doctor Who alumni and now the stage is set to have our new Doctor and his companion navigate Steven Moffat’s final season. It is reassuring to know that current and former stars of Doctor Who are as excited as its fans.

Are you as excited about the newest companion as the Doctor Who stars are? Let us know below!