Game of Thrones Episode 603: “Oathbreaker” Trailer

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The banners in these shots are hard to see. Close up, they look like the Umber banner:

This could be very bad for our heroes.

Robb Stark’s overdeveloped sense of duty turned the Karstarks against House Stark, at least for the next generation. What’s more, the Karstraks threw their lot in with Ramsay, a man who’s determined to be a mad dog….

If we’re reading these scenes right, it looks like the Umbers have turned, too. Osha chose badly when she took Rickon Stark there back in Season 3. Odds are that “the gift” mentioned in the synopsis is Rickon.

I mean, there’s no guarantee that Ramsay is smiling at Rickon here, leering like he’s just been handed more food for the hounds. But we’re pretty sure that’s what’s happening.

Next: One Lannister, One Stark, and one beard