Game of Thrones screencap Breakdown: “Home”

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The thing that struck me about this shot is the look on Tyrion’s face when he realizes he’s outnumbered. It’s that look people get when they realize they can’t make impolite, racist, or sexist jokes because it will offend most of the company present. I mean, he’s joking about how “If I didn’t have a cock, I’d drink a lot” in a room where he’s the only one who has one…and he’s the only one drinking.

This scene was so good. Tyrion told the tale of how he loved dragons and always wanted to meet one—he touched them reverently.

You see him hesitate to pull that first pin for fear of what will happen….and then you remember: there is no dragon. There are just green screens, and bucket lifts with forty-foot flamethrowers attached. And you realize how good this show is.

“Now do me! Now do me!” The dragon literally extends his neck to Tyrion. So good.

Vary’s wordless stare man.

This scene was too short for me. I know we have to get on with it, but I would have loved to have taken the time we spent unnecessarily being subjected to Ramsay’s torture of Fat Walda and devoted it to Arya’s time in Braavos. We could have seen her learning to fight with the Waif, or passing muster with her Faceless Master.

Ramsay Bolton says he’ll tell Fat Walda he sends his regards.

This wasn’t necessary.

I just love this overview show of Sansa’s party as Theon tells her he’s leaving. Note how stiff Brienne is, like she’s trying not to watch the scene play out in front of her, even though she totally is.

Next: Are You Crazy?