Doctor Who: Partnership with Big Finish Extended into 2025

Big Finish has become a vital part of the Whoniverse, continuing the adventures of past Doctors and producing spinoffs. That relationship between Doctor Who and Big Finish has now been extended.

Quite simply, if the BBC were to produce a spinoff for every possible Doctor Who franchise, or to extend the adventures of the former Doctors, that would likely be their entire programming schedule. With the vast amount of potential material available, it makes sense to have an outside partner producing that material, freeing up the BBC to focus on other projects.

That is where Big Finish fits in the Whoniverse. With their license to produce Doctor Who related material, Big Finish has filled in a large hole, allowing those past Doctors to continue their adventures and to breathe new life into other aspects of the show. Entities like UNIT have gotten their spinoffs, and Torchwood will be coming back as an audio drama.

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With a relationship that began back in 1999, Big Finish and Doctor Who have been entwined for almost twenty years. That relationship is set to continue even further, as Big Finish Productions announced that they have extended their licensing agreement with the BBC, allowing them to continue to make new Doctor Who and Torchwood audio dramas through June 20, 2025.

While it is expected that Big Finish would continue to produce these stories, having that confirmation is always great to see. They provide a truly valuable service, and it will be exciting to see what future stories and adventures they have in mind for the Doctor, past and present. Meanwhile, those other groups can also get their day in the sun, having their adventures recounted for fans going forward.

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Doctor Who and Big Finish will be partners at least through the middle of the next decade. This is great news for any Whovian, as we will now have more adventures to look forward to.