Kit Harington on Jon Snow’s new hairstyle for Season 6

Stop reading this article now if you want to avoid any “spoilers” related to the only subject anybody really cares about on Game of Thrones: Jon Snow’s hair.

After Jon Snow was killed off in the Season 5 finale, many outlets—including this one—cited actor Kit Harington’s hair length as an indication that Jon Snow may be resurrected. The theory was that if Harington kept Jon Snow’s signature curls, the show must be intending to bring him back.

However, according to a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Harington did actually cut his hair following Season 5—it’s just that it was still too long for most of us to notice the difference. “Nobody’s noticed I’ve had short hair,” he said. “We’ve chopped most of it off, and people were like, ‘Oh look, he’s still got long hair.’ So that didn’t work as well.”

"I wanted to sell (the story that he was leaving the series) a bit more . . . I know this hairstyle, this hair cut is very synonymous with the show. I know in the past I’d said I’d cut it off when I can. I wanted to appear with shorter hair straight away so it would sell the lie."

The producers cut Jon’s even shorter before the start of filming for Season 6. Those curls you saw Melisandre slicing away at in “Home” were hair extensions.

Melisandre and Jon Snow Official
Melisandre and Jon Snow Official

Harington also revealed what we are going to see from the resurrected Jon Snow is Season 6, coiffure-wise. At long last, there’s a new hairstyle coming for the beleaguered Night’s Watchmen. “We cut it much shorter for this season, and do a different hairstyle this season and put it up in a bun,” he said. This is the style Harington was wearing in the leaked photo of him on set. It’s kind of samurai-chic.

Long or short-cropped, we’re glad to have the hero bastard back on his feet. The bigger question is, what kind of back-from-the-dead creature wears a man-bun?

h/t Entertainment Weekly