Hello? Anyone home? (Let’s hope Jon Snow hasn’t actually left Castle Black yet. Otherwise this is going to be such a cheat.)
But let’s be real: this season hasn’t cheated us like that so far, and I don’t think they will here. Instead, I think we’re going to get the first Stark Family Reunion in the series since Cat came back from seeing Renly and discovered her son had gone off and gotten married to a bad decision.
Man, there are so many characters that we’re still getting reintroduced to them in Episode 4. Next week, Littlefinger makes his Season 6 debut.
Ooof. Robin Arryn….doesn’t look well, does he? Like, he really looks unwell. Like someone’s quietly poisoning him unwell.
Could it be….Royce?
It’s a dark world that Theon is sailing into in this shot, which mirrors his arrival on the Iron Islands back in Season 2:
Happier days.
Not only is his father dead, but Yara is really not happy about his brainwashed reaction the last time she saw him at the Dreadfort.
But then again, it could be worse. If Balon was here, he’d completely banish him. Yara’s just angry.
Cheer up, Theon! We haven’t even gotten to the Kingsmoot yet!
Next: Tyrells Rising