Game of Thrones Episode 604: “Book of the Stranger” Trailer Breakdown

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How does Margaery manage to look like a badass while being so filthy?

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It looks like she’s making a deal with the High Sparrow here. Let’s hope it does not include haircuts or long walks.

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Olenna is damned if she’s letting Margaery do haircuts or long walks. Also, did you notice her outfit? The blue is all but gone—she’s focused much more on the regal gold pallette, and much more elaborately tailored overcoats.

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Personally, I can’t wait to see her go up against Cersei and win.

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This worries me. Did Margaery make a deal that sacrifices Loras?

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Cersei is like: look, I did the haircut and the naked walk. Margaery does too. Somehow, I already know she’s going to lose that fight.

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Meanwhile, in Meereen, Tyrion wishes his new friends drank more.

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The masters look right pissed off that Dany is still not back. Just wait until those dragons Tyrion let out start eating their goats and children.

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When will then be now? Soon.

Next: Soon...just after Dany gets through this