Funnies: The Tower of Joy meets Star Wars, Arya meets South Park, and much more

After the very serious business of Jon Snow’s resurrection and the execution of the traitors, it’s time to check in with our humorists, particularly those who would Make Westeros Great Again.

The #MakeWesterosgreatAgain hashtag is, of course, a reference to the political turmoil currently embroiling the US, and most of the jokes are aimed at Donald Trump.

Personally, I’m voting Targaryen in 2016.

On the subject of Targaryens, a fan on Reddit has reedited the fight at the Tower of Joy in the style of Star Wars: Episode VIII. It fits well, since that movie is filming scenes in the Old City of Dubrovnik, where much of King’s Landing was shot in prior seasons. Clearly, Rey and Finn are heading to King’s Landing to clean up the mess Cersei made there and recruit anyone in whom the Force has Awakened.

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IqaFJFh - Imgur

The Tower of Joy happens to be located in Dorne, a fact the show hasn’t mentioned. It’s proof that Dorne can be pretty cool, although there are plenty of fans who were underwhelmed by the other scenes set there.

Some of those fans are doing something about it. They’ve created a Kickstarter hell bent on fixing Game of Thrones‘ worst storyline. They’re asking for $20 million to “patch” the Dornish plotline. Here’s their proposal:

"Instead of being met with the convenient delivery of clothes and horses sufficient to somehow transport [Jamie and Bronn] into the most guarded location in the entire kingdom, our intrepid duo instead find themselves in a half-familiar culture that has every reason to distrust them.Meanwhile, our Sand Snakes are introduced in a style closer to George RR Martin’s – as diverse as their mothers, and written as more than just catty comic relief. Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene Sand will be distinct characters – and Ellaria Sand will be torn between her patriotism, her slain lover’s memory, and her desire for vengeance."

If they collect more than $20 million, they intend to hire the likes of Alexandre Siddig, Jerome Flynn, and Nicolaj Coster-Waldau to redo some of their scenes. I don’t think anyone’s expecting that they’ll actually raise anything close to their $20 million goal (at the moment, they’re at $23,000) but if it somehow happened, it would be pretty hilarious.

Speaking of pretty hilarious, the latest episode of Gay of Thrones is out. What did hairdresser Jonathan Van Ness and his guest have to say about “Oathbreaker?”

Gay Of Thrones S6 E3 Recap: Dickbreaker from Funny Or Die

The new names for this week:

  • The Three-Eyed Raven: Doc Brown
  • Vara the Meereenese prostitute: Georgina Brendan Dassey (this one killed me)
  • The Small Council: The Plastics
  • Smalljon Umber: something to do with Mumford and Sons

And finally, GetFilming has done what I said was needed for Arya’s scene this week in my screencap breakdown. They’ve made it a true montage!

In anything if you want to go
From just a beginner to a pro,
You need a montage (montage)
Even rocky had a montage (montage)

        Always fade out in a montage, (montage)
        If you fade out
        It seem like more time has passed in a montage (montage)…