Doctor Who Alumni Sharing Stage at Ottawa Comic Con


One of the joys of Doctor Who is being able to imagine past characters interacting with those from the modern day. We had a bit of a taste of that when Michelle Gomez joined Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan at Ottawa Comic Con.

Different conventions can be great for fans of any show. There is the chance to meet different actors and actresses from the shows, and the question and answer sessions can be a fun way to get a bit of insight as to what it is like behind the scenes. It can also be a time to wonder what things would have been like had these different characters met on their shows.

Such is the case with Doctor Who alumni Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, and Michelle Gomez. They were among the featured guests at Ottawa Comic Con, coming together on stage to talk about their time on the show and their travels through time and space.

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It is certainly interesting to think about. Given the fun that Missy has had in toying with people’s emotions, as evidenced by how she enjoyed playing with Clara’s mind, Amy and Rory would have been prime targets. A married couple travelling with the Doctor? That would be tailor made for her brand of psychological warfare.

Judging by some of the reactions to Darvill’s photographs showing the three together, this thought is not lost on other fans. Just the idea of the three matching wits with each other, and how Missy would play Amy and Rory off of one another, would be worth the price of admission.

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While we likely won’t get to see such interactions on a future episode of Doctor Who, it is still fun to think about. Perhaps there can be a Big FInish adventure, or a comic series, somewhere in the future that will explore the idea of Amy and Rory meeting Missy.